home foundation

Waterproofing Systems


BD 2500

BD 2500 is a two-layer waterproofing system consisting of BoneDry® waterproofing membrane, Drain Max® sheet drain vertical drainage board, and the Drain Max (or pipe and stone) foundation drain. BD 2500 is your standard one system fits all waterproofing solution. It's amply tough to hold its own in extreme conditions and economically sensible for residential applications.

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BD 3000

BD3000 is a three-layer system comprised of BoneDry® waterproofing membrane, BiLar® polyolefin barrier, Delta-Drain vertical drainage board, and the Drain Max® (or Pipe and Stone) foundation drain. Ask any respected architect or engineer what makes a good waterproofing system and they will all answer the same thing – redundancy.

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Thermal Drain®

The Thermal Drain system is a two-layer waterproofing system consisting of spray-applied Bone Dry® WPT waterproofing membrane, Thermal Drain and the Drain Max® foundation drain. Bone Dry WPT stops the water, Thermal Drain provides drainage, and Drain Max takes it away

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